Wonder what is coming in 2013? What does Gartner have to say these days?
Below are the top 10 technology trends for 2013 per Gartner. To make this list all ten items have the following attributes: They will have a major impact on enterprises. The technology will drive significant change or disruption. Tipping points are occurring now or over the next couple years that makes the technology strategic or applicable to a wider market.
1) Mobile Device Battles - BYOD and BYOA increases. Cloud and mobility are mutually reinforcing trends. No platform, form factor, or technology dominates.
2) Mobile Applications and HTML5 - New expectations for usability, appearance, and behavior. The experience flows to where you are and working in context. Development challenges: new design skills, cloud/client architecture, complex apps may not work, native apps vs. HTML5.
3) Personal Cloud - replaces the PC, a collection of services and representation of your personal life. The cloud is where users center their digital lives, they are in control. Contextually aware and operationally obvious apps. So what about security? Worried? I am........
4) Internet of Things - Over 50 percent of Internet connections are things. Cameras, microphones, remote sensing of objects, wi-fi. Operational IT and traditional information technology are converging. Traditional supply chain transitions to Digital supply chain.
5) Hybrid IT and Cloud Computing - Strategic models for cloud service consumption. Adopt cloud techniques. Secure, manage and govern hybrid cloud and hybrid IT. Adopt new application design. Make externally facing services cloud services. Big outstanding question: Who will be responsible for delivery of cloud services? Architecture and Engineering is key. IT will be broker. Does that mean Business is the buyer?
6) Strategic Big Data - Hadoop and NoSQL gain momentum. Big data is a transformational architecture vs. isolated project. Centralized model replaced with distributed "logical" model. Homogenous RDBMS model replaced with heterogenous model.
7) Actionable Analytics - Cloud, packaged analytics, and big data accelerates in 2013-2014. Systems shift from computing and aggregation to reasoning, learning, and acting. Search and analytics become more intertwined. Convergence of analytic trends drives new values. Usage emphasizes decision management optimization.
8) Mainstream-In-Memory-Computing - Changes expectations, design, and architecture. Boost performance and efficiencies.
9) Integrated Eco-systems - Simplification, optimization, and security. Appliances become more popular due to integrated hardware, software, and services to address workload. No one appliance does it all. Marketplaces and brokerages. Facilitate purchases, consumption, and/or services or apps. Changes the landscape doesn't it?
10) Enterprise App Stores - Enterprise app stores are strategic for governing cloud and mobile use in a consumer driven world. Mainstream enterprise App Store with packaged and apps and portal options is key.
So what do you think? The 10 listed here by Gartner on track? Missing the mark? What are you seeing out there?
Keep it positive!
Scott Arnett