About Me

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Scott Arnett is an Information Technology & Security Professional Executive with over 30 years experience in IT. Scott has worked in various industries such as health care, insurance, manufacturing, broadcast, printing, and consulting and in enterprises ranging in size from $50M to $20B in revenue. Scott’s experience encompasses the following areas of specialization: Leadership, Strategy, Architecture, Business Partnership & Acumen, Process Management, Infrastructure and Security. With his broad understanding of technology and his ability to communicate successfully with both Executives and Technical Specialists, Scott has been consistently recognized as someone who not only can "Connect the Dots", but who can also create a workable solution. Scott is equally comfortable playing technical, project management/leadership and organizational leadership roles through experience gained throughout his career. Scott has previously acted in the role of CIO, CTO, and VP of IT, successfully built 9 data centers across the country, and is expert in understanding ITIL, PCI Compliance, SOX, HIPAA, FERPA, FRCP and COBIT.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wicker Basket for iPhone?

Take a moment and sit in your favorite chair at home, turn the TV off, iPhone, radio and all other technology of today.  Hear that?  Silence, calm, just the moment of the day.  I wonder what happened to the picnic down at the lake with just your sweetheart, or the quiet ride in the car through the country.  When was the last time you played a board game with the kids, and had popcorn and no TV?

You hear folks talk about the good ole' days, then you hear others say that today is so much better that just 30 years ago.  Really?  Is our lives that much better?  Has iPhones really made today so wonderful?  How about social networking - the wonderful Facebook?  Can you have that picnic on facebook?  Can you take that walk?  How about a gentleman's handshake?  Technology can't replace many of these things.  Has technology improved our lives so much that the simple things of days gone by should be left in the history books? 

I propose to you that we need some balance.  Technology in the medical field has made significant improvements, and the list goes on.  I would also say, we need some technology free activities as well.  Nothing wrong with writing a letter or card to put in the mail.  Nothing wrong with many things our parents did before computers, iPhones, social websites, and texting.  We have become so overwhelmed with technology, immediate communications, instant news, instant now - that we loose touch with reality at times.  To have a balance in our life and to keep things in perspective - turn it off and take a step aside and look around.  Have some yard time, have some game time, or even go to the park.  When was the last time you went to the library to read a book or magazines? 

I wonder the quality of life impact technology has had on us.  It has made things in life easier, made information available at our fingertips, but has it not made us lazy?  Dependent?  Impatient and at times out of perspective?  Technology become invasive?  All good questions, with many of the answers coming in the future.  I think technology has had a negative impact on parts of our lives, but it is our life and we are in control.  Use the power button from time to time.

Keep it positive!

Scott Arnett

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