About Me

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Scott Arnett is an Information Technology & Security Professional Executive with over 30 years experience in IT. Scott has worked in various industries such as health care, insurance, manufacturing, broadcast, printing, and consulting and in enterprises ranging in size from $50M to $20B in revenue. Scott’s experience encompasses the following areas of specialization: Leadership, Strategy, Architecture, Business Partnership & Acumen, Process Management, Infrastructure and Security. With his broad understanding of technology and his ability to communicate successfully with both Executives and Technical Specialists, Scott has been consistently recognized as someone who not only can "Connect the Dots", but who can also create a workable solution. Scott is equally comfortable playing technical, project management/leadership and organizational leadership roles through experience gained throughout his career. Scott has previously acted in the role of CIO, CTO, and VP of IT, successfully built 9 data centers across the country, and is expert in understanding ITIL, PCI Compliance, SOX, HIPAA, FERPA, FRCP and COBIT.

Monday, June 14, 2010

How to enforce your email signature policy?

There are ways through Exchange group policy, what about the organizations that have hybrid systems?  We have visited several companies that use their own login scripts and batch files to generate their branded corporate signatures. However there are always caveats to a home grown solutions, such as UNICODE compliance for world wide offices, additional imagary or qualification lines, different office addresses/contact details, etc to take into consideration.

This business critical issue is sometimes not given the time it deserves but you should consider that email from your staff will be seen by everyone (including clients and peers) so enforcing your email signature policy should probably be up there with the enforcement of your email policy.

I would recommend a relativley inexpensive tool allowing you to take control of your email signatures centrally whilst being flexible enough for for individuals to add their own "approved" touches.

The tool allows you to generate unicode compliant plain text, rtf and html signatures which can be managed centrally.

Check this site out:


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