Let me share a few items with you, but would highly recommend you contact your manager for a teleworker guideline. Here are Scott's top items:
Remote access from a company owned device must be by secure VPN
- You still need to practice password protected screensavers, and physical security
- If you walk away from your computer - lock it. Will keep the kids or guests from using it or looking at it.
- You done working for the day, turn the computer off, and lock it up.
- Company data is confidential. Not to be shared with family and friends who happen to stop by for a visit. Don't leave sensitive data sitting on the kitchen table or end table. Put it away or shred it. Having a paper shredder in the home office and using it is good security for your company data, and your personal data. Every home these days need a shredder.
- If you are using your personal computer for work, make sure you have:
- Current anti-virus protection
- Personal firewall - software or hardware
- Wireless network locked down
- Backup your files
- I would have a folder on your computer to keep all work related information
- I would also recommend you have a computer for work use, and a computer for the family
- Make sure your work space is a comfortable space, functional and safe
- Have a fire extinguisher in the home
- Have a DR plan. If you are a full time work from the home employee, if your home is no longer available, what is your DR plan? Power is out, what do you do? Network is down? - work out your plan now, document it and practice it.
- Security Systems - if you have company sensitive information or data - how are you protecting it? Are you responsible if it is lost or stolen? Do you have a system to alarm on fire, break in, water, smoke?
- Public exposure - Sensitive company information must not be read, discussed, or otherwise exposed in restaurants, on airplanes or trains, or in other public places. If you require frequently working from public places, a privacy shield should be utilized for your laptop screen.
- Telephone Discussions - Sensitive information must not be discussed on speaker phones unless all participating parties first acknowledge that no unauthorized persons are in close proximity.
- I would track your expense(s) for tax purposes.
I would also take some time to check out the government readiness websites and know how to build a home DR plan, incident response, and family planning. Important stuff.
Security is EVERYONE's responsibility.
Scott Arnett
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